Thursday, December 27, 2007

Infrared Environment in which Smells can be Visualized

@ Dec 26th 2007 9:05AM "Hey go talk to that chick across the room"
"nah, she stinks man"
"how the hell do you know"
"With these glasses, I can see some brown smoke coming from her armpits"
"dude... keep your breath away from me"
I feel like puking some more math so that's what I'm gonna do: let's throw down combinatorial optimization, matching algorithms, approximation algos, flow duality, matching polytope, bipartite graphs, polyhedral combinatorics, minimax, minimum cuts, lp optimization, cayley's formula, prufer codes, simplex method, primal dual relationship, ellipsoid algorithm, separation oracle, ah let's stick some raman scattering and optical cavity nmr in here, and then speak of np completeness, weak flow, transportation and network models along with assignment models and variants, transshipment model, CPM and Pert, and some parameteric programming and combinatorics, and analytic hierarchy process, with some labeled trees, rooted trees, ordered trees with complete and partial ordering, huffman trees, data compression blah blah blah my little brain is about to explode into a forest of spanning directed trees and some minimum spanning trees and their applications in phylogeny and eulerian and hamiltonian cycles, dna sequencing, and np hardness, and randomized algorithms including randomization, vertex covers, and hitting and cover times, matching via matrix inversion, and some algorithmic game theory meh...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Welcome to my blog

Let's see here shall we discuss Gerschgorin's disks, Kahn-Karush Tucker Conditions, Positive Symmetric Indefinite or singular matrices, sensitivity analysis, support vector machines, perceptrons, regression, lanczos, d'alembert, kirchoff, laplace, poisson, heat kernel, arnoldi, gauss-siedel, jacobi, schur, block systems, networks, lagrangean, control matrices, golden section search, deterministic dynamic programming, bayes, energy methods, singular value decompositions, singular values, CS decomposition, triangular or banded systems, LU, tridiagonal matrices to solve PDE's, integer linear programming, decision analysis, game theory, constrained and unconstrained algorithms, homotopy, homology, simplex methods, minimal spanning trees, k-means clustering, fourier and laplace transformations, green's functions and theorems, frobenius norm, perturbation theory, iterative methods, QR decomposition with householder transformations and givens rotations, least squares methods, full rank LS, tridiagonal methods, eigenvalue problems, preconditioned conjugate gradient, krylov subspaces, nowhere dense and dense things, uniform convergence, mappings, dirichlet and able tests, robin and neumann boundary conditions, taylor's theorem for higher dimensions, parseval's equality, lebesgue integral, hermitian operators, heine-borel theorem of compactness, probability distributions, queing models, markov chains, shortest routes, max-cut, min flow problems, wave equation, burger's equation, shocks, kernels, hyperplanes, convex equations, Successive Over Relaxation (SOR), Gaussian elimination or the oscillation of pony tails?! PUKED some math stuff in my head in a 5 minutes freewrite on the blog.
